Monday, August 12, 2013

Crucial & free film at Salem Public Library -- on the American Gulag -- 8/21, 6:30 p.m.

The House I Live In

The Partnership for Safety and Justice proudly invites you to a free film screening of "The House I Live In." This documentary has received critical recognition for the scope it provides in America's failed war on drugs.

The film takes a comprehensive look at drug abuse as public health matter while investigating public policies, law enforcement and individual lives affected by the so-called "War on Drugs."

You can watch the film trailer online by clicking here.

We hope you can take a summer evening to join PSJ staff, members and supporters to watch this documentary with us. Seats are limited, so please let me know by phone or email if you can join us to one of the following film screenings:

Wed., Aug. 21st: 6:30 pm @ Louck's Auditorium located at Salem Public Library. 585 Liberty Ave., Salem, OR

I'm looking forward to seeing you there,

Cassandra Villanueva
Director of Organizing and Advocacy
Office: (503) 335-8449

PSJ is a membership organization. We rely on the support of our members so we can advocate for programs and policies that create community safety without sacrificing justice. Please make a contribution today to renew your membership.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Free chances to learn both vital & fascinating things

A local massage instructor has broadened her range to add teaching others how to grow food for the future; she has licensed some fascinating films and will be showing them in both Salem and Oregon City to kick off a series of classes (offered on a sliding scale) on the most vital topic of all:  how we can grow more food with fewer inputs.