Friday, June 6, 2008

Two Questions You Might Want to Ask Your Public Servants

Q1: Given that the overwhelming majority of scientists have called for aggressive action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in response to human-caused climate destabilization, how do you explain the city-driven push to spend 2/3 of a billion dollars on a third auto bridge, supposedly to address a brief period of congestion twice a day?

Q2: Salem's own Oregon PeaceWorks has started a "5% Solution Project" aimed at spreading awareness of the threat of global heating and at getting individuals and communities to commit to making a 5% reduction in their own carbon footprint each year from now until 2050, producing a total reduction of almost 90%, the level that scientists say is required to avoid the worst catastrophic consequences. Would you support a city commitment to the 5% Solution, and if not, why not?

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