Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cultivating Creativity Opening Reception -- Thursday 9/23, 5:30 - 7 p.m.

National Register of Historic Places listings ...Image via WikipediaThe Willamette Heritage Center (fka "Mission Mill Museum" and "Marion County Historical Society" before they wed and formed WHC) is hosting a members-only reception on Thursday night to celebrate the new show at the Heritage Center. Hope to see you there!

Wait, what? You're not a member? Oh! How sad. You should be. We are so blessed to have access to so much of post-pioneer history here. Many peoples in many other countries (and states) would kill to have the kind of access to our past that the Heritage Center provides to us ... And it needs a little bit of support from all of us.

Go. Thursday night. No doubt they'll be glad to welcome your membership contribution on the spot and let you in to see the show, "Cultivating Creativity."
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Very useful this time of year! Fruitfly Deathtrap

Applecidervinegar01Image via WikipediaFrom "Cool Tools" newsletter, where I always find one or two things worth looking at. Maybe I'm the last to know about this one . . . but better late than never!
fly deathtrap
Apple Cider Vinegar + Dish Soap Fly Trap

Fruit flies can materialize in even the most spotless kitchens. Until recently, I had no idea that they could be dealt with in a safe, effective, and cheap manner using apple cider vinegar and dish soap.

By simply pouring apple cider vinegar into an open cup or bowl and adding a drop or two of dish detergent you can easily make an incredibly effective trap for ridding your kitchen of fruit flies. Place it near your fruit bowl or trash can and within a day you will have nipped the problem in the bud.

Apple cider vinegar works as an attractant because of its strong sweet odor while the dish detergent decreases the vinegar's surface tension so that when a fly touches the surface it immediately sinks and drowns. It's particularly satisfying to see the collection of flies you have dealt with at the bottom of the glass. This has to be one of the best house keeping tricks I have ever picked up.

-- Oliver Hulland
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Whew! Your bodice-rippers are safe

Desire Me (detail)Image by Stewf via FlickrYou won't go to jail for lending a kid a romance novel.
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