Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let's get a yardsharing movement started in Salem!

This is from the "Hyperlocavore" site (see blogroll to the right). 

We're still looking for a gardener/urban farmer who needs great raised beds to grow organic produce -- here at LOVESalem HQ, we have drip irrigation, double-deep raised beds, good sun, most beds enclosed in a fenced yard where no one will bother them (and have not had much problems with the other beds).  You can have a substantial garden/produce operation right here in the city, less than a mile from the Capital.

So if you are a person who has garden skills and needs space, join the Hyperlocavore group and contact me there.  We have virtually everything you will need, except your knowledge and time. We ask only a fair split, to be negotiated with you, of what is harvested.