Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Earth Ovens Workshop - Corvallis

Hey!  We are hosting a workshop with local artists and authors Kiko Denzer and Hannah Field (they wrote Build Your Own Earth Oven; Kiko has built ovens for several local businesses, including Gathering Together Farm, The Blue Goat in Amity, Fireworks Restaurant, and most recently, Queen Bee Apiaries). They will guide us in building a wood-fired EARTH OVEN and using it for cooking everything -- especially NATURALLY LEAVENED WHOLE GRAIN BREADS (you'll get starter to take home, as well as a copy of the book).  


DATES: Saturday and Sunday. August 16-17


LOCATION: 770 SW LOOKOUT DRIVE CORVALLIS, OR 97333, home of Bo and Diane - aka Diane's urban farm retreat.


PRICE: Because this is a local workshop for the instructors, and part of a gift exchange, we're able to offer it for only $80.

FOOD: Bring a lunch or have us prepare one for you ($10/day). We'll host a potluck supperon Saturday night if folks are interested. 


ACCOMMODATION: For those traveling from out of town, there are rooms available for overnight stay - $60 per night.  Please see for more information.

MORE INFO: See the attached flyer, and Kiko's website and bookpage  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call!  (541 753 0762)


There are a limited number of spaces.  To reserve your spot,  please send full payment to :

Diane Arney

770 SW Lookout Drive

Corvallis OR 97333

The high cost of delay | Opinion | The Register-Guard

The high cost of delay | Opinion | The Register-Guard | Eugene, Oregon
(Meanwhile, Salem and the Chamber of the 1%'s pet lapdog newspaper continue pushing a $400 to $800 million auto bridge boondoggle to promote more sprawl. Fascinating to see two cities 75 miles and maybe 60 years apart, with Salem continuing to pretend it is 1954 rather than 2014.)

The high cost of delay

Just one day after the Eugene City Council on Monday approved a landmark climate ordinance, the White House issued a report that underscores the importance of policymakers at the national, state and local levels acting to rein in greenhouse gas emissions. . . .

The report estimates the cost of mitigating the effects of climate change could rise by as much as 40 percent if action to reduce emissions is delayed 10 years. Such an increase would outweigh any potential savings of the delay urged by most Republicans and some Democrats, who argue that strong action now on climate change would hurt the economy and cost jobs.

Eugene's ordinance seeks to cut communitywide fossil fuel use by 50 percent by 2030, and it calls for city government operations to be entirely "carbon neutral" by 2020. It requires city officials to prepare detailed plans for achieving the emissions reductions, and mandates progress reviews and status reports. And it binds future councils and city managers to pursue the emissions-reduction goals.

By approving the ordinance, the city has committed itself to a sustained course of action to confront climate change. It has, to borrow an old Irish expression, "tossed its cap over the wall," leaving it with no legal choice but to find a way to get to the other side to retrieve it. . . .

On Monday, Eugene showed the way for other U.S. cities and local governments by turning those aspirational climate goals into law. It did so because council members understood, as the new federal report says, that postponing carbon cuts will ultimately lead to higher costs, both in terms of climate-related impacts and in more expensive emissions reductions.

The council also acted because it was the right thing to do. "Fighting climate change is one of the important and defining issues of our time," Councilor Alan Zelenka said Monday night. "Fortunately, Eugeneans get it."

Eugene Leads, Salem Lags

The longer we wait to begin, the more painful the changes will be.  

But not as painful as the costs of failing to act.  Nature bats last, and she doesn't take excuses or rationalizing; only actions count with her.

The Eugene City Council voted Monday to put some teeth into previously approved goals to reduce the city's fossil fuel use and carbon emissions, seeking to cut communitywide fossil fuel use by 50 percent by 2030, compared with 2010 usage.
Eugene Register Guard, July 30

Want Clean Air and Water, Safe Food and Cars? If so, Defend Public Protections

 If You Want Clean Air and Water, Safe Food and Cars, Defend Public Protections

 "Katherine McFate, Center for Effective Government" <>

July 30, 2014

The air we breathe. The water we drink. The food we eat. The cars we drive. Most of us don't give a second thought to the basic components of our day-to-day lives, and we just assume they're safe. And we usually can.

Over the past century, America has developed a system of standards and safeguards and protected its people from a variety of public health, safety, and environmental hazards. These standards have improved our nation's quality of life and public confidence in American products and businesses.

Today, we released a new study, The Benefits of Public Protections: Ten Rules That Save Lives and Protect the Environment. It examines ten proposed or adopted federal standards from agencies including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In almost all cases, the benefits of the rules, when converted to dollars and cents, outweighed their costs.

Combined these ten rules:

  • Save 10,000 American lives annually
  • Prevent 300,000 cases of disease, illness, and injury every year
  • Create net economic benefits of between $46 billion to $122 billion each year

Rulemaking is the way our democracy balances the public's interest in safety and well-being with private industry's priority of maximizing profits. It's about ensuring that we all breathe clean air, drink clean water, eat safe food, and travel in safety. It's about improving and protecting American living standards.

Check out the study on our website, then let your elected officials know how important public protections are to you, your family, and your community.

Thank you for being an active, engaged citizen.

Warm regards,
Katherine McFate signature
Katherine McFate
President and CEO

P.S. Please consider supporting our work by making a gift to the Center for Effective Government today through our website. Your support makes a difference!



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