Sunday, May 16, 2010

What you missed by not being a "Friend of Salem Saturday Market"

. . . some awesome homemade goatmilk gelato, some even more wonderful goat cheese, and a really pleasant, fun, and educational visit to a small family farm in a beautiful, bucolic setting in Dallas, Ore.

Next up (but only for members of Friends of Salem Saturday Market): buffaloes!

For everyone, here's some events coming:

There will be a class every Saturday. Check back for updated schedules!

June 5 - Bike Valet Service opens for the season Free!
June 12 - Knit in Public Day Free!
August 7 - Chefs @ The Market: David Rosales of La Capitale Free!
September 25 - Book Exchange Free!

About that "the Earth is cooling" jive you keep hearing

The "temperature anomaly" is the amount by which the 12-month running average temperature exceeds the average of temperatures from 1951-1980 -- so we're approaching 70/100ths, or 0.7C, just since 1980 alone . . . and to my eye, that curve isn't getting shallower, and it's sure as hell not declining.