Wednesday, March 2, 2016

When people talk about defunding NASA, cluelessness like this is why

Space exploration and planetary science is worthwhile serious business, but it doesn't require astronauts who are actually a hindrance to doing science in space.

Alas, in an era of runaway climate chaos, NASA is pumping scarce money into nonsense like this.

Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay

Great Idea for Oregon, especially for Salem Hospital

In Connecticut, New Bill Would Base Hospital Property Taxes on CEO Pay | Nonprofit Quarterly

In Connecticut, New Bill Would Base Hospital Property Taxes on CEO Pay


February 29, 2016; Becker's Hospital Review

NPQ has been covering a number of trends as far as nonprofit hospitals are concerned. One of these is a questioning at the local and state levels about the taxability of these institutions. A number of measures have been proposed for determining this, including level of community benefit, degree to which the property is being used for profitmaking activity, and executive salaries. Hospital associations have been taking these challenges on as they come up, but it has recently been a little like a game of whack-a-mole.

For instance, the proposed cap. According to the Connecticut Post, "Dr. John Murphy, the CEO and president of the Western Connecticut Health Network, made at least $1.2 million in fiscal year 2013-14, according to federal tax filings. During the same time period, Bridgeport and Greenwich hospitals paid their top executives $1.4 million yearly; and Stamford paid its CEO $2.4 million, according to state documents." . . .