Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fwd: December Film and ALEC documentary

 raising awareness, one film at a time

Upcoming Documentaries & Guest Speakers


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In This Issue
December Films
How you can support SPFS

What we do and why we do it

The Salem Progressive Film Series (SPFS) mission is to raise awareness and educate the community on important current, local, national and world issues, provide a public forum for discussion and further research, and stimulate personal civic involvement.


Each month, we show high quality documentaries followed by expert guest speakers and an audience discussion.

Where and when we do it

Every second Thursday from September to May.

7PM, doors open 6:15


Historic Grand Theatre
191 High St. NE
Downtown Salem, OR.



Grand theatre

Our Sponsors
Historic Grand Theatre


Salem Weekly


LifeSource Natural Foods


John Gear Law Office


Salem Summit Co. 


South Salem Cycleworks


855-Zip-Debt Consumer Bankruptcy


Marion County Environmental Services


Zena Forest Products


Salem City Club


Grand Vines


BAM Agency, Inc.


Cascade Baking Co.


Salamander Designs


Nathan Good Architects PC


Allied Video


Salem City Watch


Marion County Democratic Party


Quick Links...


Dear John,


The award winning documentary, Inequality for All  will be shown next Thursday, December 12th at 7 PM, followed by guest speakers and an audience discussion. 


There will be a special screening of The United States of ALEC, narrated by Bill Moyers, on Thursday, December 5th at 7 PM. This screening is sponsored by Common Cause of Oregon.


See below for more details about both films and guest speakers. Both events take place at the Grand Theatre, 191 High Street, NE. At the corner of Court and High Streets.

 Upcoming Film


 Thursday, December 12th * 7PM

"Inequality For All"


Over the last thirty years, the U.S. economy itself doubled. But, these gains went to a very few: the top 1% of earners now take in more than 20% of all income -- three times what they did in 1970. Distortions are even more extreme at the very top. The 400 richest Americans now own more wealth than the bottom 150 million combined.


In this timely and entertaining documentary, noted economic policy expert Robert Reich takes on the enormous question of what has been happening to our economy. He distills the story through the lens of widening income inequality -- currently at historic highs -- and explores what effects this increasing gap has not only on our economy but our democracy itself.


Films website and trailer:


Guest Speakers:


Chuck Sheketoff

Executive Director of Oregon Center for Public Policy


Second Speaker TBA



Thursday, December 5th - 7 PM


"The United States of ALEC" is one of the most important documentaries of our time. Veteran journalist Bill Moyers reports on this influential corporate-funded political force which most of America has never heard of - ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council.


A national network of state politicians and some of America's largest corporations, it's registered with the IRS as a tax-exempt charity but operates as a pro-business lobby. Common Cause has filed a "whistleblower" complaint against ALEC with the IRS, providing more than 4,000 pages of ALEC's own records to document its lobbying.


Co-produced by the Schumann Media Center and OKAPI Productions, the film draws on Common Cause research exposing ALEC's true agenda, and includes footage not shown when the documentary aired on "Moyers & Company," Bill Moyers' weekly program on public television stations.



Following the film, several speakers will focus on the ALEC agenda in Oregon, including ballot measures to undermine Oregon's clean energy laws and weaken the ability of people to organize in labor unions, as well as the special session "Grand Bargain" deal preempting GMO labeling.



Common Cause, Salem Progressive Film Series, Alliance for Democracy, Move To Amend Portland.


 Become an Individual Supporter of SPFS

 Help support the Salem Progressive Film Series.


Your financial contribution is always appreciated and helps us to bring high quality films and expert speakers to Salem. Not only will you have personal satisfaction, but you will also be helping to strengthen our community. And your donation is tax deductible.



Mail your donation to:

PO Box 13184

Salem, OR 97309


Thank you for your support!




We are not just an audience. We are not passive witnesses, sitting in a dark theatre. Many of the documentaries that we bring to Salem can be difficult to watch, but sometimes it's what we need to jolt us into action. The goal of SPFS is that each and everyone of you can resonate with our films, and by working together with discipline and persistence, we can overturn unjust authority

Salem Progressive Film Series | PO Box 13184 | Salem | OR | 97309