Saturday, January 26, 2019

LOVESalem morphs into STRONG Salem

Now that it appears that the threat of the gigantic billion-dollar-boondoggle of the "Salem River Crossing" is finally going to go to the graveyard of bad ideas, all the energy and effort that has been properly spent opposing that disastrous plan can be put to better use.

Thus, it's time for the people of Salem, Oregon, to start creating a positive agenda for a better Salem, a Salem that can afford nice things (because it has stopped developing in an unproductive way that only benefits developers and burdens the rest of us with the costs they have externalized while grabbing all the profits for themselves).

And so this blog, first created to raise the alarm about the dinosaur-thinking behind that "Salem River Crossing" -- the "Bridgeasaurus Boondogglus" -- can now morph into a blog with a much greater positive focus and provide a place to promote ideas for a STRONG Salem, inspired by the brilliant work being done by the group STRONG TOWNS ( STRONG Salem will now focus on being the "localization hub" for applying STRONG TOWNS thinking to harness the opportunities and solve the problems we face here in Salem, Oregon.

If you want to become a contributor, drop a comment and let me know how to reach you.

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