Sunday, November 15, 2015

Great candidate for your year-end thankfulness giving plans

If you are lucky enough not to know that America still suffers greatly from lead exposure, then you can be thankful indeed this fall -- here's a great organization that deserves much more support to keep working on the problem.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

It's almost the end of the year and we've almost met our 2015 goals!
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Just over 6 weeks left in 2015! 

November 15th!—wow, that happened fast!

We wanted to share an exciting update with you....At the beginning of 2015 we set an "outrageous" fundraising goal of $200,000; $200,000 seemed almost unattainable, but "reasonable"—because that was really the minimum we needed to raise - in our 5th year as a nonprofit - to keep expanding our outreach activities and services to families at our current pace of growth. [We helped more than 16,000 families in 2014, and our reach and impact in 2015 has already far exceeded that!]  We're also excited to share that we have earned a 2015 Top Rated Nonprofit badge with!

And on top of that, we are simply thrilled to share with you that not only are people recognizing our work (e.g. the nod at GreatNonprofits), but they are also personally acknowledging our work—by giving: in 2015 we have already raised (with pledges and gifts received so far this year) more than $170,000! So in terms of that super-ambitious target of 200K, that leaves just $30,000 left to raise in these final six weeks of 2015 - and with your help we believe we can do this! (Actually... if everyone on our list just donated one dollar we would exceed our goal!)

So in your "end-of-year" giving planning (for "Giving Tuesday" or December 31st or any day between now and then) please think of Lead Safe America.... and now is as good a time as any to make your tax-deductible end-of-year contribution in support of our work.  

If you are the the kind of person who has sufficient cash-flow to be in a position to make a monthly gift (no matter how small) please also consider joining our Honor Roll in 2015. [Our monthly Honor Roll contributions truly sustain us through the slow months—and even $10 or $25 a month makes a huge difference.]

Thank you for your support this year; we're excited for a bright and productive future as a nonprofit, and a 2016 where we continue to help ever greater numbers of families!


Tamara Rubin
Mother of Lead Poisoned Children
Founder Executive Director
Lead Safe America Foundation

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