Sunday, September 28, 2014

Another "Don't Miss" at Salem Cinema

Salem Cinema : Salem, Oregon
This is always provocative and memorable, often haunting and beautiful.  A true "world" festival, right here in Salem.  Three days only!  I've enjoyed this every year since it started here in Salem, and it just cements Salem Cinema's status as the best cultural venue in Salem, by a nautical mile.

Salem Cinema : Salem, Oregon

17th Annual Manhattan Short Film Festival

SALEM CINEMA has once again been chosen as one of the only Oregon venues to participate in the MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival, one of our most anticipated events each year!

September 28th & 29th at 12:30pm & 7:45pm
September 30th at 7:45pm

at our box office during regular business hours
or online at!

All Seats $9 • no passes, Cinebucks or gift certs accepted for special events

MANHATTAN SHORT is an instantaneous celebration that occurs simultaneously across the globe, bringing great films to great venues and allowing the audiences to select their favorites. If the Film Festival experience truly is about getting great works in front of as many eyes as possible, MANHATTAN SHORT offers the ultimate platform -- one that sees its films screened in Sydney, Mumbai, Moscow, Kathmandu, Vienna, Cape Town to cinemas in all fifty states of the United States and beyond!

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."

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