Tuesday, September 9, 2014

And at Salem Hospital?

Wonder what the overhead percentage is at Salem Hospital? Lobbying for excess parking and the destruction of Salem's history isn't cheap.

"Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay."
> From: Physicians for a National Health Program
> Subject: Bureaucracy consumes a quarter of US hospitals' budgets, twice that of other nations: Health Affairs study

> Health care is a human right!
> Sept. 8, 2014
> Contact:
> Mark Almberg, mark@pnhp.org, (312) 782-6006
> Bureaucracy consumes one-quarter of US hospitals' budgets, twice as much as in other nations: Health Affairs study

> Authors say single-payer reform could save $150 billion annually on hospital overhead

> A study of hospital administrative costs in eight nations published today in the September issue of Health Affairs finds that hospital bureaucracy consumed 25.3 percent of hospital budgets in the U.S. in 2011, far more than in other nations.
> Administrative costs were lowest (about 12 percent) in Scotland and Canada, whose single-payer systems fund hospitals through global, lump-sum budgets, much as a fire department is funded in the U.S. . . .

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