Wednesday, June 11, 2014

7 reasons America will fail on climate change

7 reasons America will fail on climate change - Vox
The Chamber of the 1% can rejoice -- at least those without kids or grand kids, or hopes to have any in the future:  the threat of sensible action to avoid the worst of climate disruption and mass extinctions seems to have been averted, and many astute observers have concluded that we (humanity) are like the astronauts in the Challenger Space Shuttle at the moment of launch on the too-cold morning in 1986: our doom is sealed, but we don't know it yet.

And as for those in the Chamber -- well we can just hope that they are so darn proud of their righteousness that they take the time to record prominently for history exactly how hard they fought against the hoax of global warming, and how they helped defend freedom by ensuring that nothing interfered with the absolute right of the ruling class to treat the planet as their personal toilet without any restraint at all.  

Because their progeny and descendants-- all mankind, really -- should know exactly who is responsible for all that freedom that we will leave them.

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