Friday, January 3, 2014

Gardeners Wanted II: Yardsharers wanted to garden at LoveSalem HQ

Due to some significant upcoming (positive) changes around here, there's going to be a lot of unused garden beds going to waste here at LoveSalem HQ this year if we don't get resourceful and figure out how to help someone who needs garden space help us by gardening our excess garden space!

Our humble abode, LoveSalem HQ, has over 300 square feet of deep raised beds that have only been gardened organically for the past 5.5 years; there is an underground irrigation system that supplies water to drip irrigation hoses. There is a full-size greenhouse that could support a much larger operation. We have all the tools you could need.  The only thing we're going to lack is the time to keep all these beds busy and productive.

So if you're a small gardener who has always wanted to garden more, or if you're a market gardener who wants some more beds for specialty crops, or if you're a family who needs low-cost garden area, check our Craigslist post and send us info about you so we can arrange to talk.

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