Thursday, October 11, 2012

Tonight: C'mon and get happy! (the movie)

The Happy Movie

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Does money make you HAPPY? Kids and family? Your work? Do you live in a world that values and promotes happiness and true well-being?
Academy Award director Roko Belic, brings us HAPPY, a documentary that sets out to answer these questions and more, exploring the secrets behind our most valued emotion. Belic crosses the globe searching for the fountain of happiness and finds that people who "value compassion, meaning and making the world a better place" are happier than those who only enjoy wealth and status.

This inspiring documentary might just change the way you view your life. It has won over eight Best Documentary awards at various film festivals around the world.  We are honored to bring it, and the director, to Salem.
 Official website and trailer:

Guest Speakers: 
Roko Belic, Producer/Director, Via SKYPE from Los Angeles
Erik Noftle, Professor of Psychology, Willamette University

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