Sunday, October 11, 2009

Really interesting example of someone trying to apply some foresight to trends

Eye ChartSomeone needs to photoshop one of these so it reads (by row from the top) E NE RGY isgo ingto bealot moreofa headache fromnowon. Image by deqalb via Flickr

This is really interesting: someone writing for a trade magazine for eye docs (!) who is actually trying to use the existing trends in energy and the economy to reason out what's likely to come down the road for his trade.

States and the federal government rarely display any recognition that the future is constrained by energy, much less local governments like Salem's. In all cases, 99% of the officials either believe or pretend to believe that their task is about a "Return to Normalcy" (back to business as usual, in other words, acting as if the new post-peak oil reality was simply a momentary slowdown on the road to constant growth and ever more of everything).

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