Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Calling Salem Chessplayers (all ages; humans only though)

Martha KasparovVery poor loser. Image by eNil via Flickr

A new chess club is forming to offer players an opportunity to play in the evenings in the downtown area and to complement the existing Salem Chess Club, which meets on Saturday afternoons in the West Salem Library (1-5 p.m.).

We haven't got the final commitment from the venue yet, but it looks very good for a Monday night club at a very close-in downtown spot.

To find out when the first meeting will occur and to stay current on all the going-ons with the new "Capitol Chess Club," join the club's googlegroup (click that link). The googlegroup provides some webspace and an "announce only" email list, so you won't get any spam -- just info on chess in Salem on the east side of the river.

Anyone good at photoshop or similar? We need a logo of the Capitol building, with the Golden Pioneer replaced with a Golden King . . . Thanks!
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