Tuesday, June 2, 2009

As the legislative session grinds towards an end

Basically, what we can conclude from the Highway Pork Extravaganza (HB 2001) and the recent DEQ action on Boardman (advancing the haze rule that would, if it is implemented, mean that Boardman will run indefinitely rather than shut down ASAP) is that we have no intention of doing anything serious about climate in Oregon.

We are acting like it's 1959 (on roads) and 1979 (on coal). Meanwhile, the earth is actually in the year 2009, and we're making decisions that mean that, in 2109, Oregon will be a very, very different place, with a much harsher climate, a lot less agriculture, no salmon at all, no snowpack whatsoever, frequent draughts and fires all over.

Thanks, Oregon Legislators! Now go home and apologize to your kids and grandkids, because you're sure doing them dirty . . .

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