Monday, May 18, 2009

That's the spirit!

Someone at has tossed out some ideas for a bottoms-up approach to dealing with Salem's funding shortfalls. He's asking you to send your ideas to him, but you're welcome to put them in the comments here too.

1 comment:

Snarfy said...

Inmate workforce! Hundreds of able bodied persons just sitting around the local prisons! The low threat ones can help build and repair the local parks :) The parks in NE are lacking... there has been a sign advertising a park coming soon on Brown Road for... 10 years!! They also took a bridge toy out of McKay park, and now it is just dirt. A few shade trees and some used, cleaned tractor tires would go a long way. Or maybe constructing a "free paint" area for graffiti artists, like Eugene has! Scrap wood and a few men could get that up in a day, and it would be a good creative output for the more artistic of the graffiti artists! Maybe patrons could pay a membership fee to be there, and it funds would help keep it clean, plus provide a job for a person to check membership at the entrance..

-Snarfy (Formally known as The Pike Family)