Sunday, November 16, 2008

A seasonal reminder

Though I don't presume that everyone celebrates Christmas, I know of few in Salem (or anywhere else in America for that matter) who are entirely unaffected by the madness of the Christmas machine; even total abstainers from religion suffer from living in an economy that is so desperately focused on encouraging --- nay, demanding --- overconsumption from a huge portion of the populace, an unbalanced economy that wastes both capital and energy and produces mountains of useless, unwanted, unneeded stuff.

There's a great book on the subject: Unplug the Christmas Machine.

Worth a look now, before another round through the mill.

Meanwhile, onto the best holiday of the year, the one that adamantly resists capture by Madison Ave. and Sprawl-Mart --- after all, it's just about impossible to turn a holiday about gratitude for all that we have into a mandatory spending spree.

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